It's been an amazing 12 weeks with these two. Always smiling and always working hard.
At Destination:Change our goal is always to make sure our clients are set up to succeed long-term and Veronica and Sonya have definitely developed the mindset required to do this.
One of the key things they said before leaving that really gave me confidence that they’ll succeed out on their own was that they…
I hope you're having an awesome Friday!!
Today I want let you in on an awesome fitness fact:
>> Fitness doesn't have to feel unrealistic!! <<
In fact that's our core message here at Destination:Change!
We're sick and tired of seeing people fail at fitness because trainers and celebrities are throwing fad diets and quick fixes at them.
If you really want to change, we need to get real for a second.
Fitness can totally be something that you get into to ENHANCE your life.
It's not supposed to feel like something that is constantly taking away from your freedom and removing enjoyment from your life.
Forget that!
Stop settling for a mediocre life.
I see soooo many people who let excuses and busyness get in the way of living their ideal life... Or even a remotely enjoyable one. They play the victim, saying "I can't because..."
You can.
Her jaw hit the floor.
He strode in, shorts stretching to just above the knee, calves glistening (glistening!) in the sun with the wind in his hair. [Leg hair that is.]
With each stride the undulation of his calf muscle stretching and flexing had her gasping for air.
Good morning!
Today I want to share a SUPER simple principle with you that will go a LOOONNNG way to helping you get and stay motivated.
Now I'm not going to pretend that this principle is instant magic...
It's not the easiest thing to get in place.
...But it is EXTREMELY effective when you do get it in place.
Want to know what it is?
It's the power of DECISION.
Not just any decision, but decision with conviction.
If you're a hard charging type A person like me (Derek) who really LOVES what you do and cares about your mission, quite often it's actually taking the down time you need that requires more discipline than working hard.
In some ways, working hard is easy.
It's easy to do the things that make people happy, the things that give you fulfillment and push yourself until you're so tired and burnt out that you're getting absolutely nothing done.
What's hard is stopping and catching yourself BEFORE you hit your breaking point.
In other words, are you tired of doing quick fix, hardcore, unrealistic, unsustainable plans that keep you miserable the entire time you're on them?
Plans that lead to you falling off track and losing hope of ever seeing weight loss results?
Plans that even personal trainers don't follow consistently??
...Because often times that's what's being recommended to you.