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Motivation is Easy When You Do this ONE Thing...

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Good morning!

Today I want to share a SUPER simple principle with you that will go a LOOONNNG way to helping you get and stay motivated.

Now I'm not going to pretend that this principle is instant magic...

It's not the easiest thing to get in place.

...But it is EXTREMELY effective when you do get it in place.

Want to know what it is?

It's the power of DECISION.

Not just any decision, but DECISION with CONVICTION.

When you decide something, and decided it with conviction (think of a vegan deciding they won't eat meat because they ethically can't stand it, or an athlete deciding they will train for the olympics), it becomes EASY to stay motivated and on track.

Why is this?

There are two reasons:

  1. They have a powerful why. Whether it's the vegan deciding they don't want to harm animals or the athlete deciding they want to give it their best shot at winning gold at the olympics, they have an extreme belief that it is worth the effort.

  2. They do not waver on their decision. Once the decision is made they are all-in, there is no thinking when it comes to choosing whether to stick to the plan or not. Their actions are automatic.

If you want to succeed, you need to put these two things into practice.

So how do you go about doing that?

1. Creating a Powerful Why:
For the powerful why, brainstorm a list of the most important reasons why you are doing what you are doing. If you can't think of enough powerful why's, it might not be that important to you. Make these as emotional as possible and really take some time to experience them in your mind.

When it comes to health and fitness, think of your family losing you early and the pain and suffering that will cause them. Think of the lack of mobility you might experience and not being able to take care of those you care about. Then contrast that with thinking about the pleasure of a nice walk through a trail in the summer or the satisfaction of doing something physical for someone else who really needs it.

Whatever it is that gets you motivated, it should be something that re-inspires you every time you think about it.

Then take that and write those down somewhere that you can review daily or weekly. Rewrite these every few weeks or months to keep them fresh and ingrain your why's in your brain.

You don't think twice about drinking and driving, you've had it drilled into your brain that it leads to death, suffering and jail time. Do the same with the consequences of neglecting your health and fitness.

>> The issue isn't lack of knowledge when it comes to the consequences of letting yourself go, it's lack of FOCUS on that knowledge.

So slap yourself on the cheek, wake yourself up and start taking responsibility for the damage you're doing by not taking action and get to work being the healthiest best version of yourself!

2. Creating an Unwavering Decision:
Perhaps more important than the powerful why is developing the skill of unwavering decisions.

One of the big struggles many of us face is wavering on our decisions.

We decide one day we want to go on a diet and get in shape, and the next minute that cupcake at works really good and we say "F-it, everyone else is having it, I should have one too."

Now of course, having a powerful why would majorly help with this objective... If you really believe in what you do it's easier to decide to stay on course...

>> BUT, even better, is to not even have to decide.

What if, when those cupcakes come out at work, you've already MADE that decision and you don't even have to think about it?

What if you had developed the skill and the belief in yourself that you do not rethink decisions?

In an ideal world, if you've decided cupcakes are not part of your routine, you just say no and don't even think twice.

Think about it this way...

>> If you don't even THINK about it again, how can you miss out on it?

Let me ask you:
Did you have a cupcake yesterday?


And did you feel like you were missing out on one?

Most likely not, right?

So then why do you care about missing out on one when it's all of a sudden in front of you at work?

It's because you are FOCUSING on missing out on it.

If you've ever wondered how some people have seemingly massive willpower with eating healthy or sticking to a diet... This is their secret.

It's NOT that they have massive willpower.

It's that they don't even THINK about what they are missing out on.

They see it, they say no and they move on.

It's the DWELLING on the what you are missing out on and the lack of commitment to your decision that makes things difficult.

If you want to TRULY make a difference in how easy it is to stay motivated and on track, develop the skill of controlling your thoughts.

PRACTICE controlling your thoughts and TEACH yourself not to dwell on decisions.

Get ridiculously good at distracting yourself and don't let your subconscious brain INDULGE itself in dwelling on what you are not having.

Sound good?

Remember... This will not be an overnight transition. It will take time, but with practice it's possible to get incredibly good at controlling your thoughts.

I had to learn to do it when I was dealing with crippling anxiety and panic attacks a couple of years ago and now those skills are one of my biggest tools for success in general.

I've defined myself as the kind of person who does not re-think past decisions and I want you to do the same!


Now give it a try and be sure to let me know how it works for you!

- Derek

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P.S. Whenever you're ready here are a few ways you can work with us here at Destination:Change…

1. VIP Ultimate Results Transformation Program
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2. Beginner/Intermediate Bootcamp Classes
These classes are great for getting results on a budget! From as low as just $79/month and with a variety of different exercises each workout you'll never get bored. These classes are designed to meet you where you are at and give you a chance to experience the same professional coaches as our 1-on-1 training clients, but at a fraction of the price!

3. Boxing Bootcamp Classes
A FUN way to get in shape! If you've ever thought it might be fun to punch out your frustrations, learn something new from a professional instructor (Ramon has of over 8 years of boxing instruction from Fitz Vanderpool), all while getting an incredible workout, this may be the PERFECT fit for you. I know I personally will choose boxing anytime I can because it makes working hard feel fun and easy!

4. 1-on-1 Personal Training
If you want to REALLY learn how to do things right, experience increased accountability, and maximize your results, nothing beats 1-on-1 Personal Training. Along with the in-gym instruction we'll also spend time teaching you the skills, habits and mindsets needed to see sustained results. If you're investing in training we want to make sure those results and the things you learn last a lifetime!

If you're sick of yo-yo dieting or short term programs that you just can't stick to, email me at derek@derekcolvin.com and tell me you want to know more!