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Are You Tired of Unrealistic Fitness Plans? Here's How to Make One That You Can ACTUALLY Stick To!

Don’t end up like this guy! ⬆️

Don’t end up like this guy! ⬆️

Hey Superheroes!

I hope you're having an awesome Friday!!

Today I want let you in on an awesome fitness fact (and one I shared with my email list earlier this week):

>> Fitness doesn't have to feel unrealistic!! <<


In fact that's our core message here at Destination:Change!

We're sick and tired of seeing people fail at fitness because trainers and celebrities are throwing fad diets and quick fixes at them. 

If you really want to change, we need to get real for a second.

Fitness can totally be something that you get into to ENHANCE your life.

It's not supposed to feel like something that is constantly taking away from your freedom and removing enjoyment from your life.

Forget that!

Honestly, if you're not enjoying it (or at least massively enjoying the benefits of it), you're doing something wrong.

Now I won't say this is easy to figure out... It took me a while to really figure out what it is that makes fitness enjoyable to some and miserable to others, but I will say this:

Your enjoyment of fitness is 100% determined by what you focus on.

Bottom line, if you focus on how miserable you feel while working out and continually tell yourself you feel miserable...

Guess what? You'll feel miserable!!

BUT, instead if you focus on everything you're getting from fitness you'll feel awesome.

It's SOOO simple. But also so EASY to forget!

It's the same for everything. 

If you focus on the miserable parts and the negative traits of your spouse, you'll wind up hating them. If you focus on their positive traits and what you love about them, you'll just fall deeper in love. 

Likewise for your car, your house, your body, your job and everything else in your life!

Now this isn't to say you shouldn't trouble shoot.

ALLL the time I'm working on optimizing and improving my workouts to make them more enjoyable and functional. BUT I'm not sitting there DWELLING on it when I should simply be doing the work and focusing on what I enjoy. 

There's a time to trouble shoot and a time to be grateful. 

Guess what. There are people who are disabled who would DREAM of simply being able to do a full body workout, yet here we are complaining about it because 'it's so hard' or we don't like getting sweaty!

It's ridiculous!

It's the same reason you see spoiled athletes complaining about the most ridiculous things.

It's NOT the circumstances that define how you feel, it's your perception of them.

Secondly, in order to make fitness more realistic, stop focusing on such unrealistic standards. Don't expect to go from ZERO workouts in the past month to 8 this week. 

It's not going to happen.

Sure, it might seem possible with a big goal and a bunch of motivation, but the best predictor of future performance is past performance, so unless you're going to have a personal trainer breathing down your neck every minute of those workouts, follow this rule: If you haven't done it before, don't expect to do it now. 

Make SMALL adjustments. Make small progress and build it into a lifestyle.

I'm sure you've heard the saying "it's not a diet, it's a lifestyle"

That's what this is about. 

It's about doing this you can actually stick with year over year and making progressive improvements for exponential growth. 

Do you know what happens after 100 days when you improve 1% each day? 

It's not just 100% improvement.

The math doesn't work like that.

It's actually FAR, far more than 100%. 

Look it up! It's true!

Or like I said, if you're impatient and you want those results YESTERDAY, hire in some accountability in the form of a personal trainer or a coach. BUT make sure they keep you accountable to the long term as well. Plan on some kind of arrangement for 1, 2 or even 3+ years to make sure you stick with it. There's no point losing 50lbs only to gain 70lbs back.

Bottom line, fitness can be realistic if you want it to be and we'd be happy to show you how. 

Send us a message, we'll give you the real truth and start your lifelong transformation for real. (No more of this quick fix and fad diet BS that leaves you miserable! I want you happy for life.)
