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Are You Tired of Banging Your Head Against the Wall, Repeatedly Trying Weight Loss Programs That Don't Last?


Hello and welcome to the blog!

In today's blog post I want to talk about why most programs don't work.

...BUT, before we get started, I want to ask a simple question to find out if you're ready to work with us.

Here's the question:

Are you tired of repeating the same cycle over and over again?

In other words, are you tired of doing quick fix, hardcore, unrealistic, unsustainable plans that keep you miserable the entire time you're on them? 

Plans that lead to you falling off track and losing hope of ever seeing weight loss results?

Plans that even personal trainers don't follow consistently??

...Because often times that's what's being recommended to you.

Now don't get me wrong... These plans do work. 

And we do use them sometimes.

But when we do this, we also make sure we have you set up with a maintenance plan for when you are done your specific current weight loss push.

We also make a point of explaining to you WHY you're following the plan you're following.

...This way you can actually adjust and modify the plan when needed.

How does that sound?

Isn't it time to follow something that will actually work over the long-term for a change?

Isn't it time that you do something you actually ENJOY??

>> "The definition of insanity is trying the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result." <<

Although it's way overused, this quote really sums up the weight loss industry.

Time and time again, you're sold the latest fad diet or the new "right" way to do things, but in reality when they work, they're all doing the same thing:

They create a caloric deficit.

They keep you full and satiated between meals. (hopefully)

They're made up of 90% whole foods.

That's it.

As long as the diet checks those 3 boxes the plan will work.

So with that in mind the question becomes: "What will you stick to consistently?"

And that's where we can help.

At Destination:Change, we believe in breaking the yo-yo dieting cycle and putting habits and principles in place that lead to sustained, long-term weight loss.

We specialize in helping you find that sustainable, lifelong plan that you can stick to with great enjoyment.

Sure it's not as sexy as the latest fad diet, but it's about time we learn as a society that excitement and novelty doesn't lead to sustainability and lasting results.

>> So, if you're fed up with the status quo and you want to finally make a lasting change, you're our dream client and we'd love to work with you. But you have to be ready for it.

We've collected some of the most caring, empathetic and welcoming people you'll ever meet, our trainers are amazing at what we do and we'd love to add your energy and excitement to our community!

If this sounds like something you'd be into, send me an email at derek@derekcolvin.com and let me know. I've only got a few spots open each week for new clients and I'd love for you to have one of them :)

Talk soon!
