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What This One Thing They Said to Me Can Teach You About Success...


It's been an amazing 12 weeks with these two. Always smiling and always working hard. 

At Destination:Change our goal is always to make sure our clients are set up to succeed long-term and Veronica and Sonya have definitely developed the mindset required to do this. 

One of the key things they said before leaving that really gave me confidence that they’ll succeed out on their own was that if they struggle to stay consistent, they'll be back for some kind of follow up program.

This is SUPER key!

This is the self-awareness that leads to enduring results. 

There's nothing wrong with doing things on your own, but you must make sure you have the self-awareness to notice if you're struggling without that accountability and if you are struggling, to GET SOME ACCOUNTABILITY!

I do it in my business, my clients do it in their fitness and literally anyone successful will tell you self-awareness of their tendencies and accountability in the areas it is needed is key to their success.

As the saying goes: "the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result."

If you struggle to stay consistent with your fitness on your own, hire a coach or join a class where you have some accountability!

As my coach, Craig Ballantyne teaches, accountability is one of the 5 Pillars of Success.

Do not keep banging your head against the wall because you won't dedicate $100 of your monthly budget to fitness.

It's SUCH a small proportion of your budget and the value you get for that $100 is one of the best investments you can make with that $100.

The problem is our society just has a totally messed up perception of value on fitness and health.

You'll spend hundreds of thousands on housing that you'll LIVE in for 5-30 years…

Tens of thousands on cars that TRANSPORT you around for 5-10 years…

Yet so many of us cheap out when it comes to our BODIES that we LIVE in 24/7 and that TRANSPORT us literally everywhere for 60-100 years!!! (With vastly differing quality of life depending on how you take care of yourself.)

Just THINK about what happens when you neglect your car or your house...

Yet societally, for some insane reason (probably big companies making money off of it if we're being honest) we have totally normalized doing this to your body and destroying the one living and transportation vehicle that is more important than any other.

And these two have nailed this. They invested in training to get the knowledge they needed and they're investing their time to keep it up.


Veronica & Sonya are the perfect models of what you should be doing when it comes to taking charge of your health and fitness.

Veronica & Sonya, I'm excited to see what the next 12 weeks brings for you two! You rock!



P.s. If you’re looking for some accountability and want an expert coach to guide you on your way to your goals, reach out via email to me at derek@derekcolvin.com. I’ve got two perfect program options waiting for you to get started!