
 Maximize Your Mental Performance

Learn the power of meditation with personalized coaching

Meditation for people who struggle to meditate

In a world that is “go, go, go”, we teach meditation in a way that is designed to help you reduce stress, recharge your mental battery and maximize your cognitive performance. We’ll also give you the scientific background and logical understanding to make sure you know WHY you are doing it and can connect to the practical benefits in your life.

You can literally train your brain to be more calm under pressure, more focused or simply to chill out faster after a stressful day.


The Potential Benefits Available From Meditation:

  • Improved Stress Tolerance - You are regulating and relaxing your nervous system to get out of chronic fight/flight/freeze and back into your logical brain, which allows you to have more capacity for whatever life throws at you.

  • Improved Heart Health - Decreased resting heart rate, increased HRV. Meditation is scientifically proven to increase life expectancy!

  • Better Sleep - Fall asleep easier, wake up less frequently and improve quality and depth of sleep.

  • Increased Self-Control - Reduce sugar & alcohol intake, mindless phone scrolling and any other “bad habits” with meditation thanks to the stress reducing effects.

  • Reduced Muscle Tightness & Improved Posture - Improve breathing habits and posture by spending time in intentional breathing practice. Most of us do not breathe deeply through the day and the consequences show up in shallow breathing, tight muscles & poor posture.

  • Slowing Life Down - If you've ever said 'i really want life to slow down' or felt sad at the rapid rate that life and moments seem to be passing and you want instead to experience every moment with family to the max, this is the program for you.

Essentially we are giving your brain and body a chance to slow down, rest and recharge. To take in the moments you deeply care about, to process emotions and to mentally and physically refresh your brain so that you can show up at your best for the people, things and activities you care about most!

For more logic brain people, think about it this way - You are literally changing the structure of your brain. Changing thought habits, rewiring neural pathways and physiologically strengthening the corpus collosum and shrinking the amygdala. This leads to better stress tolerance, increased focus and all of the other benefits listed above!

Ok so we get that there are benefits…

Yet most people still struggle to do it… Why?

There are 3 MAIN issues we see that our clients run into when it comes to meditation:

  1. When you do try to meditate, you can’t stop your thoughts. You wonder “Am I even doing this right?” and have a constant stream of to do’s coming to mind, feeling like it’s a waste of time and feeling like a failure because you’re not very good at it.

  2. Even though it’s thoroughly proven to be effective via scientific studies, most teaching out there is not very scientific sounding and instead feel very “out there” and disconnected from logic and reality, so it’s hard to connect to for more logic-oriented people.

  3. Despite knowing the benefits, you struggle to actually do it. If you find yourself saying “I know it would be great if I actually did it”, this one is about you!

So how do we do things differently?

  1. We take a much more grounded approach. We work practically and pragmatically with you, getting the scientifically proven benefits for your brain without having to worry about all of the other “stuff” traditionally associated with meditation. That stuff is fine if you want it, but we keep it to the grounded reality in our basic protocols.

  2. This is about relaxing your nervous system, bringing your brain and body out of chronic stress and fight or flight, and helping to build the SKILL of meditation with you in a progressive way that allows you to feel accomplished instead of defeated.

  3. We give you the education, accountability and support to ensure that you are consistent. Using our class booking software, we book you in for meditation sessions and mark you as completed when you’ve attended. If you haven’t booked, we’ll follow up to see what’s going on and see if you need support!

Book a free consultation