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Stop Settling for a Mediocre Life

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Stop settling for a mediocre life.

I see soooo many people who let excuses and busyness get in the way of living their ideal life... Or even a remotely enjoyable one. They play the victim, saying "I can't because..."


You can.

You can if you are willing to believe you can and persevere until you do.

Sure it might take some creativity and some risk, but don't sit there wasting your life away on fear and worry and end up with that miserable feeling of regret.

YOU are in control.

YOU are in charge of your life.

YOU are responsible for what you do with it.

...and honestly, you owe it to the world to be happy.

No one likes a miserable excuse making person who complains about how things SHOULD be or what they WISH they could do.

The world deserves the bold version of you.

The version of you who makes a difference in the lives of others.

Not the version of you who is STUCK in their own golden handcuffs because you aren't willing to sacrifice a bit of what the world tells you you need in order to get what you REALLY feel called to in life.

Create that capacity for what you need.

Go find a different job that gives you more free time or a better work environment.

Go find a smaller house or a cheaper car that gives you that extra few thousand a year to go back to school, hire a personal trainer or launch that side business you've always wanted to start.

Just please, I'm begging you, make an investment.

Make a sacrifice of something material that really DOESN'T MATTER when you're at the end of your life to CREATE the OPPORTUNITY for that life of impact you've always wanted.

Or don't.

And continue to be mediocre.

Continue to live in fear.

And continue to complain that you just can't catch a break like those other people who succeed.

The choice is yours.

Don't make it out of fear.

If you’re going to give this a try, be sure to message me on Facebook (facebook.com/dcolvin91) or send me an email at derek@derekcolvin.com. I’d love to cheer you on and hear about the progress you make!
