Information on covid-19 is all over the place.

Here is our filtered compilation of the best information we have acquired. This page includes a blend of both the seriousness and need for action to combat COVID-19 with some calming of the panic that is out there so to help maintain good mental health.

Obviously we will never have all of the information and things are changing every day, so please keep that in mind as you read below.

Here are some of our own thoughts and some of the best resources we have come across.

Summary of most relevant info:

For up to date, regional information and recommendations please refer to:

Part 2: Healthy Lifestyle and Exercise is linked to a Stronger Immune System:
We are firm believers in the benefits of healthy lifestyle, exercise and good nutrition. In fact this is why each of us do what we do.

This may be why you made the decision to enhance your health.

One of the BIGGEST benefits to working out and eating healthy is what it does for your immune system and response to fighting off viruses and/or preventing them. It's not a guarantee, but the benefits are proven. Healthy lifestyle also works to prevent not just immediate threats, but also long-term illnesses and diseases.

In a way, we have all been preparing for a situation like this by taking steps to improve our health and fitness.

As unfortunate as it is, viruses and diseases are part of this world and can be largely out of our control. What is up to us is to live in a way that improves our resilience as best we can.

According to Harvard Health Publishing:
"Your first line of defense [in boosting your immune system] is to choose a healthy lifestyle. Following general good-health guidelines is the single best step you can take toward naturally keeping your immune system strong and healthy." (

So what can you do while we wait to find out how this situation unfolds?

Continue working out daily, sleeping well and eating healthy - Keep doing the things that are building you a strong and healthy body and building a strong foundation for your cardiorespiratory fitness. 

The last thing we would want to do is abandon our healthy habits that have increased our personal resiliency thus far.
Times like these often lead to extreme reactions in either direction. Panic and fear or complacency and skepticism. Frantic action or apathetic inaction. We would like to urge you to follow the facts, get your information from a qualified and legitimate source and think critically when seeing the information provided. Breathe and take a break from the news from time to time. For me (Derek) personally, I have done my research to be informed, but I also take long breaks to allow me to maintain my chronic stress levels at a reasonable level. (Again, chronic stress reduces immunity -

It is natural to feel some fear with the amount of unknowns and uncertainty with this situation, but realize that fear paralyzes logic.

Do not be pulled in by sensationalized headlines, but likewise do not just ignore the issue all together.

Although the risk appears to generally be low to younger populations, the "flattening the curve" approach appears to be valuable in reducing the load on our public health care system and enhances the chances of recovery for those who are at high risk of severe outcomes (

SIMPLE breathing for stress reduction.

STEP 2: Release Tight Muscles

Massage any tight muscles that may be contributing to chest & shoulder breathing (chest, shoulders/neck, abdominal muscles) for 15 seconds and retest to see if breathing pattern has improved. You may also perform more advanced breathing resets and techniques as shown at

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STEP 3: Practice Habit & Posture

Yes, things are crazy, and you're probably just focused on getting through the day, but the more you can practice this, the better you'll handle stress. Even if we can make you 5% less exhausted and stressed,we'd love to offer this service. Inhale into the belly, pull your shoulders back, ribs down.

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We are here for you.

We have made an unlimited amount of pro-bono digital breathing coaching sessions available to any healthcare workers. You are our most important human resources in this crisis.


I highly, highly recommend you pick-up the book The Obstacle is the Way. I can’t say I know what you’re going through, but in my best attempt to imagine it, I believe it will be helpful. It’s DESIGNED to help you during hard times. You can get it for free download on Audible (you have to enter your credit card info, but you can cancel right away after downloading the book), however I am also working to see if I can get the publisher to release a downloadable or streamable version for free.